Charissa Lopez is available to speak in a variety of settings. She also offers Trauma Informed Care trainings for non-profits, schools, and organizations. She has worked with local school systems, non-profit staff and leadership, first responders, recovery groups, churches, MOPS, women’s events, and communities within the legal system. She also offers small group leadership training and speaks at church conferences where she regularly teaches on topics of faith and recovery with an emphasis on the intersection of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical dynamics. Charissa also speaks to the community on a variety of topics and provides continuing education opportunities to mental health professionals.
Recent teaching topics:
- Trauma Informed Care
- Preventing Burnout: Caring for the Caregivers
- Attachment 101
- Keys for Connecting with Your Kiddo through High Quality Play Time
- Window of Tolerance: Regulation as a key to self-awareness, growth, & healthy relationships (Polyvagal Theory)
- Pain: A How-To Guide
- The Power of Connection and Community
- Forgiveness
- Boundaries and Fuel for Healthy Relationships
- 5 Stages of Change (or How We Change)
- Surviving the Holidays
- The Power of Gratitude
- The Power of Emotions