EMDR stands for Eye Movement and Desensitization and Reprocessing. It is a therapy proven to help reduce symptoms related to trauma, PTSD, anxiety, depression, addiction, phobias, trauma, neglect, and other issues EMDR has a direct effect on the way the brain processes information, releasing emotional and physical experiences that are trapped in the nervous system. I help the client recall a disturbing thought, feeling or memory and then introduce bilateral stimulation. Bilateral stimulation is something you can see, touch or hear that occurs in a moving side-to-side pattern (example: moving your eyes back and forth following a light or holding alternating pulsars in the palms of your hands). The distressing memories are reprocessed by the brain and integrated. The integration results in painful feelings being exchanged for more resolved, peaceful, feelings.
Research shows a success rate for EMDR in the treatment of PTSD of 80-90% in up to half the time of traditional talk therapy.
Additional Resources:
Learn How EMDR works with Kids